About Us
Vaibhav Bajaj
Vaibhav Bajaj, Your Trainer
Once the students enroll, they undergo a pre-training program which helps them get all the prerequisites in place needed to learn a technology.
After the pre-training is done, the students start of with the training program and get deeper dive into the technology with the help of real-time assignments, live practicals, and different scenario-based projects.
- Total 7.5 years of experience
- Trained over 7000+ Freshers and Corporates
- 1000+ Google reviews , 300+ Facebook Reviews, 50+ Video Feedbacks
- Consecutively a winner for "Urbanpro excellence award" for Best trainer for Data Science and BigData for 3 years
- Given corporate training to many MNC's for Subjects like: Scala, Python, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Bigdata etc